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blessing for good shepherd sunday

HOLY MASS Sunday, 4th week of Easter Good Shepherd Sunday. On that occasion, I chose four key words – pain, gratitude, encouragement and praise – as a way of thanking priests and supporting their ministry. Amen. As part of this message on Vocations Sunday, we interviewed Fr Patrick Lagan, St Eugene's Cathedral, Willy Krause, Seminarian in the Diocese of Derry and Bishop Donal McKeown, Bishop of Derry. Located at 2614 Main Street, just North of town, Church of the Good Shepherd is situated on the shores of Lake Rangeley and at the foot of Saddleback Mountain in a four-season recreation area of natural beauty. We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. in the things I do Source of this version: Freely modified from  Prayers of the Middle Ages, edited by J. Manning Potts. Please contact for permission for any commercial use. He tends the gate of the sheepfold and is mindful of our safety and well being and only wants the best for us. "Vocation, more than our own choice, is a response to the Lord's unmerited call" (Letter to Priests, 4 August 2019). and by which you daily cleanse, quicken, and sanctify us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Es sei uns dein gnädiges Antlitz erfreulich! You can be a saint. The Collects of Veit Dietrich in Contemporary English, Prayers of the Middle Ages, edited by J. Manning Potts. Source: Roman Breviary, 11th CenturySource of this version: Freely modified from Prayers of the Middle Ages, edited by J. Manning Potts, 1954. Lord God, heavenly Father, Intercessions Good Shepherd Sunday 2020 Celebrant: Dear friends, with confidence in the Good Shepherd, we turn to our loving Father: The Lord knows each one of his flock by name. width:30px; for Christ’s sake. one true God, now and forever Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The fourth Sunday of Easter is known as Good Shepherd Sunday. for you alone are truly lovable. GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY MASS PRAYERS AND READINGS. These are the people who have been fighting a more persistent and longer-term pandemic, confronting a different form of virus, which can be every bit as deadly, namely, the devastating absence of joy, meaning and hope. Lord, You are my shepherd so I will lack nothing. Celebrant: Father hear us and guard the sheep of your flock. Amen. background-color:#444; Although this is not the image highlighted in Year B, I was moved by the poem and so wanted to share it with you here as a reflection on the mystery of Christ the Good Shepherd, a mystery that we celebrate this Sunday. A new poem by Malcolm Guite takes up the theme of Jesus as the gate, the door. PainEvery vocation brings with it a responsibility. O Christ, true Son of God, 1 thought on “ Prayers of the People for May 3, 2020, Easter 4 (Good Shepherd Sunday) ” Kimberlynn McNabb May 2, 2020 at 1:19 pm. and intercedes for us. Have compassion on those who have wandered from you. Is the Lord really asking me to do this?Take heart, do not be afraid! and safe under your shelter; This morning, we’re going to continue that thought – I guess you could say that today is Good Shepherd Sunday, part 2. What frequently hinders our journey, our growth, our choosing the road the Lord is marking out for us, are certain "ghosts" that trouble our hearts. All Rights Reserved. Take heart, do not be afraid! We hasten with weak, yet eager footsteps, led away from the right path by Satan You can be a hero. Speak to the hearts of the (young) men of our diocese. Feed those who hunger, Not only is Jesus the shepherd identified with the sheep, he is the son identical with God his father. Whenever fatigue or fear make us start to sink, Jesus holds out his hand to us. with your overflowing cup May she touch the hearts of the faithful and enable each of them to discover with gratitude God's call in their lives, to find courage to say "yes" to God, to overcome all weariness through faith in Christ, and to make of their lives a song of praise for God, for their brothers and sisters, and for the whole world. and dwell in your house forever; Frank Schuster This weekend we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Source: Paul C. Straman, based on a prayer from the Roman Breviary. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. in the care of our Good Shepherd; Beginning with Beloved – A Blessing Here is the poem/blessing we started our worship and new ministry with Pastor Wendy Wirth-Brock on Sept 13, 2015. I am the good shepherd. R. Hale, New York, 1881, p. 27 #2 (Easter 3), “Lamb who was slain, now risen in glory” is a reference to Revelation 5:12, “die to all that is evil”  is a reference to Romans 6:11. on the rock of faith, To follow you and serve your people as priests. On 4 August last year, the 160th anniversary of the death of the Curé of Ars, I chose to write a letter to all those priests who daily devote their lives to the service of God's people in response to the Lord's call. Source: Freely modified from Mozarabic Collects, ed. We thank you for the great and unspeakable love, Percy Dearmer We are like sheep in that we really don’t know right from wrong without our good shepherd teaching us. (based on Psalm 23, Psalm 95:6-7, John 10) Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God. and the things I leave undone. and abide in your guidance to our lives’ end; (Psalm 95:6,7) Good Shepherd, within … who is our High priest and Mediator, Rev. For our world: that the presence of Jesus the Good Shepherd may bring healing, peace and joy to all in need, especially those persecuted for their faith. Awaken in them the courage to answer: 'Here I am, Lord, Send me. Prayers. 4th Sunday of Easter “The Blessing and Problem of Freedom” Fr. through your mercy, O our God, listen to our prayers. Strengthen and confirm me, O Lord, by your cross, May your merciful countenance be gracious unto us! to grant me strength Surely, this vocation is not for me! Shepherd of all your people, Run to the Good Shepherd and trust in His perfect love for you. Amen. Through Baptism you call us to do something special for you with our lives. and strengthen those who are weak, Dear friends in Christ, last weekend’s sermon focused on the blessings of being members of God’s flock, with Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Amen. For our seminarians and all in formation to the priesthood and consecrated life: that they may persevere in lives of generosity and love. float:left; In seeking to strengthen and guide the Church, the Holy Spirit imparts the charisms and gifts necessary for the building up and the sanctification of the people of God.How are we being called to live out the truth, which dwells in our hearts? through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, This revision/translation of The Collects of Veit Dietrich is licensed by Paul C. Stratman under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Learning to appreciate the circumstances of other people's lives, including the lonely, the house bound, the many who struggle with depression and various other physical and mental illnesses; those men and women who battle throughout each day, trying to find hope and to encounter genuine love and mercy. Amen. Oh, hear us, as we, our voices raised, pray for your help! EncouragementWhen the disciples see Jesus walking towards them on the sea, they first think that he is a ghost and are filled with fear. I humbly ask your mercy Willy Krause, Seminarian, St Eugene's Cathedral, Every vocation is a summons to follow Jesus on the path he has marked out for us, for our own happiness and for the good of those around us. when you redeemed us by your own Son, to live in a manner more pleasing to you. For a listening heart: that we, who have been called by name, may hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and respond confidently to God's invitations, For all who are discerning a call to ministry: that they will recognize God's invitation, open their hearts to God who loves them, and follow Jesus in laying down their lives for others. in the care of our Good Shepherd; Jesus Christ our Lord. and our own sinful flesh. And I thank You for those who act as Your instruments of this deep love and commitment. Thank you Rick. Hearts that are open to the call of the Holy Spirit. a.social-fb{background: transparent url("https://derrydiocese.org/images/social-sprite.png") 0 0 no-repeat} Shepherd of all your people, As households and families, we're staying on message, through remaining at home as much as possible and thereby helping to protect the most vulnerable. This, then, is the second word I wish to offer you: encouragement. A Prayer for Good Shepherd Sunday by John van de Laar Prayers, Words of Assurance, and a Benediction for Good Shepherd Sunday (Year A) A prayer or gathering meditation for Good Shepherd Sunday (Year B) and in true repentance and a steadfast faith bind up those who are broken in heart, Map and Directions to Church of the Good Shepherd. Without fail, every Thursday evening at 8pm many of us have been gathering to recognise and pay tribute to those on the frontline, especially all the medical staff and various workers, who courageously respond to the demands placed on society by the virus. what is pleasing in your sight, and remain safe. Be our shepherd,  O Lord, which he shed for our sake, though we were not worthy of it, that we may abide in your Word On Good Shepherd Sunday/ we pray to know the tenderness of Jesus,/ and for our own lives to be characterized by compassion,/ awareness,/ gentle and patient love./ We pray to the Lord. Good Shepherd Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Easter in the Catholic liturgical calendar. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear because You are with me. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Jesus uses this image of a good shepherd to to let us know that He truly cares for us and is concerned about us. worries and cares that assail us, Good Shepherd. will I provoke you. a.social-fb:hover{background-position: 0 -30px} and bring them like sheep into the fold of your holy Church, Listen to their messages in the video clips below. In the US, it is also Mother’s Day. Another video with clearer audio can be seen and heard here: Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten, ", Reflection for Good Shepherd Sunday Year A 2020. background-size: 120px !important; Amen. Poet who adapted the hymn for the Cantata libretto is unknown. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. } that we may always do and rise to good works; Can this really be the right path? "Be countercultural. The Bible uses the word “shepherd” 80 times and the word “sheep” 192 times. ENTRANCE ANTIPHON The merciful love of the Lord fills the earth; by the word of the Lord the heavens were made, alleluia. PraiseDear friends, on this day in particular, but also in the ordinary pastoral life of our communities, I ask the Church to continue to promote vocations. Grant that we may die to all that is evil, In these stormy and uncertain times, we celebrate the many, many people who have gone the extra mile, who respond with heartfelt compassion. May the Virgin Mary accompany us and intercede for us. Ultimately, we discover who we are, by walking step by step, along the amazing lifelong journey of becoming the person God created us to be. For you alone are holy. give us your grace and your great compassion, Good Shepherd … We thank you with our whole heart, and awaken our hearts by your Holy Spirit, On the other hand, despite our frailty and poverty, faith enables us to walk towards the Risen Lord and to weather every storm. deliver us from all troubles, ©2019. Source: Paul C. Straman, based on a prayer from the Roman Breviary. to care for all that are close to us, to protect those who are threatened, to welcome those who are rejected, to forgive those who are burdened by guilt, to heal those who are broken and sick, to share with those who have little or nothing, Can we allow ourselves to be drawn by the example of Jesus the Good Shepherd? Lamb who was slain, now risen in glory, Bishop Ralph A. Kempski, in 1998. for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ In these times of restriction, contending with the experiences of lockdown and social distancing, there is a real sense of a community spirit, and a readiness to respond to the needs of others. Amen. margin-left:20px; for the precious blood of your dear Son, Jesus is at our side, and if we acknowledge him as the one Lord of our lives, he will stretch out his hand, take hold of us and save us. For our young people: that they will be open to hear the call of the Good Shepherd to lay down their lives in love and service of God and neighbour. GratitudeAccording to Pope Francis, God accompanies and guides us; he prevents us from running aground on the shores of indecision and even enables us to walk on surging waters. O God, The Fourth Sunday after Easter is traditionally 'Good Shepherd' Sunday, with the Gospel reading taken from the long discourse in John 10 where Jesus presents himself in this attractive image. You restore my soul! and live and govern all things, Amen. However, the service is also appropriate for both Good Shepherd Sunday (Easter 4) as well as other occasions or celebrations for Bishops and Pastors. ', By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to https://derrydiocese.org/, a.social{ Amen. Keep us safe in the fold of the Good Shepherd, who welcomes each of us by name. “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my The Shepherd Liturgy was originally written for the occasion of the final Eucharist of the retiring Bishop of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, the Rev. and obtain eternal salvation; O God, This Sunday, 3 May 2020 is Vocations Sunday, Sunday of the Good Shepherd when we pray in a special way for Vocations to the priesthood and religious life. O good and faithful God, Friend of all mankind, Jesus Christ our Lord. Liturgical Suggestions Begin Mass with blessing and sprinking of holy water: ‘We’re halfway through Easter this Sunday, so this is a good time to recall the Easter graces we have received. O Jesus, O Master, for your help alone! The Lord calls us because he wants to enable us, like Peter, to "walk on water", in other words, to take charge of our lives and place them at the service of the Gospel, in the concrete and everyday ways that he shows us, and specifically in the different forms of lay, priestly and consecrated vocation. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. Vocations Sunday. Amen. For those who have died: may they be welcomed by the loving embrace of the Good Shepherd. DOWNLOAD PDF FILE LINK AT THE END OF THE DOCUMENT. Without renewing our mind, we will think polluted, dirty water is good drinking water. We will succeed in discovering and embracing our vocation once we open our hearts in gratitude and perceive the passage of God in our lives. Jesus immediately reassures them with words that should constantly accompany our lives and our vocational journey: "Take heart, it is I; have no fear" (Mt 14:27). O Lord, be our Sanctifier and the Shepherd. Lord Jesus Christ, gentle shepherd, You know your sheep, Give to the people of the diocese of Derry. and remain safe Every vocation is born of that gaze of love with which the Lord came to meet us, perhaps even at a time when our boat was being battered by the storm. Translation in traditional English, from the Sarum Psalter: Be our shepherd, O Lord, we entreat Thee; and may we receive all good things from thy sweetness, so that, obtaining an eternal habitation in thy tabernacles, we may be fulfilled with the plenteousness of thine everlasting cup, through Christ Our Lord. You lead me on the right path because it is Your nature to do so. If we let ourselves be daunted by the responsibilities that await us – whether in married life or priestly ministry – or by the hardships in store for us, then we will soon turn away from the gaze of Jesus and, like Peter, we will begin to sink. 130 selected service outlines, 69 children's sermons, and 36 sermon illustrations about Good Shepherd Please contact for permission for any commercial use. Open our hearts to listen to your Holy Spirit within. in every act of our lives evermore. Chas. deliver us from all sins which assail us, Please contact for permission for any commercial use. We do this by blessing and sprinkling Holy Water, praying that all the baptised may continue the work of the Good Shepherd, whom we honour especially in today’s celebration . Source: Johann Sebastian Bach and Johann Rist, Cantata BWV 78, Text of the original Rist hymn can be found at Hymnary.org and on www.bach-cantatas.com. The Missal of 1570 and the 1549 Book of Common Prayer was the first to pick up a Good Shpherd Sunday on the third Sunday of Easter (second Sunday after Easter) although the … We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, our friend and brother. continue in your Church to the end and gather them to your fold. Good Shepherd by Duncan Grant Good Shepherd of us all,I thank you today for all the good shepherds in my lifeand for all the ways you've ... Sunday May 3, 2020 at 2:07 AM. In the face of the pandemic, almost everyone has been playing their part. Help me to fulfill my role of shepherding Your people, the people You have placed in my life. Amen. When we are called to leave safe shores and embrace a state of life – like marriage, ministerial priesthood, consecrated life – our first reaction is often from the "ghost of disbelief". you came to seek the lost good Shepherd of the sheep, Strengthen and help us, that in our daily life walk with you, we serve you in all quietness of spirit; through Jesus Christ our Master. Source: Unknown, attributed to St. Augustine (d. 430), “make us partakers of your divine nature” is a reference to 2 Peter 1:4. Then you’re ready to share this message in your church next Sunday! make the weary lie down in your pastures, display:block; This poem by Jan Richardson, can be found at the link at the end of this post. O Lord Jesus Christ, no more, O Lord my God, Like, Mary our Mother, may we have the courage to say yes to your call. height:30px; When Jesus wanted to express his dedication to us and his daily protection of us, he chose to use the picture of a shepherd with his sheep. that we rely on your care, you know how often I sin, that my mind be not shaken by the attacks of the enemy. Amen. that so we may always be pleasing in your sight, a.social-yt{background: transparent url("https://derrydiocese.org/images/social-sprite.png") -60px 0 no-repeat} gather together with your hand In a world acutely aware its vulnerability and of the need for healing, who are those people called to witness to God's presence, to be living signs of God's mercy and compassion? you are blessed, that we may be refreshed for your name’s sake. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Oct 25, 2015 - Explore Anne Glenn's board "Sunday Blessings", followed by 353 people on Pinterest. Source: An Ancient Collect, Sixth Century, on Prayer for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, on For the Loving Care of the Good Shepherd, A Collection of Prayers: Digital Products, Translate | Traducir | Übersetzen | ترجمه | Traduire | переведите | 翻译 | అనువదించడానికి | अनुवाद करना | A Collection of Prayers (Web Translator), Follow A Collection of Prayers on WordPress.com, Prayers from the Evangelical-Lutheran Heritage, "God Be in My Head…" Prayers from Old Sarum, "Through Your Mercy, O Our God…" Prayers from the Mozarabic Church (Revised and Translated), Now and Forever: New Collects for Modern Lectionaries, The Antiphonary of Bangor and The Divine Offices of Bangor, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Good Shepherd, Teach us to follow you. Pope Francis has trips pending to Sarajevo,/ Ecuador,/ Bolivia,/ Paraguay,/ Uganda,/ Central African Republic,/ Cuba and the United States./ He is the shepherd, and we are the sheep. Yet, like Saint Peter, our desire and enthusiasm coexist with our failings and fears. Abraham Lincoln has an ironic observation that I think is appropriate for this weekend. and bless us with all good things You know, O Lord, Source of this version: The Collects of Veit Dietrich in Contemporary English © 2016 Paul C. Stratman. we all like sheep have gone astray, Let us offer our prayers to God, trusting in his love for us. all those who are scattered, We need to love and follow our shepherd. O beloved Father, what is pleasing in your sight, from hour to hour, a.social-tw{background: transparent url("https://derrydiocese.org/images/social-sprite.png") -30px 0 no-repeat} He gives us the enthusiasm we need to live our vocation with joy and fervour. a.social-yt:hover{background-position: -60px -30px}. Celebrant: Dear friends, with confidence in the Good Shepherd, we turn to our loving Father: The Lord knows each one of his flock by name. find comfort in  your love, This Sunday, October 4th, is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. God, who from the … And if again I offend in anything, It’s based on John 10:1-10 where Jesus says, "I am the Good Shepherd." Unity Christ the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for the sheep, draw you and all who hear his voice to be one within the fold; and the blessing ... General The God of grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, establish, strengthen and settle you in the faith; and the blessing ... or. No more shall my desire be for anything but you, O Lord, you gave your apostles peace, For Pope Francis, Bishop Donal and all bishops, priests and deacons: that they may faithfully imitate Christ in accompanying the people of God on their journey and encouraging their growth toward holiness, For the shepherds of our Church: that they will faithfully help others to find Christ by the witness of their lives, the truth of their words, and the integrity of their actions. For all who serve in our hospitals, care homes and in the community: that their generosity and sacrifices may contribute to promoting an ever more loving and caring society, For all who work to restore life and bring healing, for medical personnel, for counsellors, and for chaplains: that God will guide them as they journey with those in pain and preserve them from harm. how many and great are my sins, No more, O Lord, You tirelessly seek out the sick and those who have gone astray. Du suchest die Kranken und Irrenden treulich. These are the women and men who encapsulate living a vocation. … Modified or adapted versions of prayers and original prayers on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. May 3, 2020 Holy Mass. He writes, “The shepherd drives the wolf from who now sits on your right hand Fourth Sunday of Easter [Good Shepherd Sunday/Vocation Sunday] Commentary on Acts 4:8-12; 1 John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18 TODAY IS KNOWN AS GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY because, in each year of the liturgical cycle on this 4th Sunday, the Gospel is always taken from the 10th chapter of John where Jesus speaks of himself as the "good shepherd". O Jesu, o Meister, zu helfen zu dir! a.social-tw:hover{background-position: -30px -30px} A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. now and forever. from day to day, I shared this with you before but it is worth considering again. School Prayer for Vocations - Diocese of Derry. This Bible Object Lesson will teach kids that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and how we can trust Him. Download the teachers notes, watch our Children’s Message example, and gather your supplies. "May the example of these 'shepherd-priests and shepherd-doctors' help us to take care of God's faithful holy people," he said. See more ideas about blessed sunday, sunday, sunday quotes. Almighty ever-living God, lead us to a share in the joys of heaven, so that the humble flock may reach where the brave Shepherd … Four creative, responsive Calls to Worship for Good Shepherd Sunday (Year A) A responsive Call to Worship based on John 10:11-18. 7 Good Prayers for Good Shepherd Sunday. in your holy Church, In most of our parishes the pastors of our churches make a point to recognize mothers, remember them in the prayer of intentions, and give them a blessing at mass. and make us partakers of your divine nature. ~ The Bible frequently compares God’s relationship to us . Lord Jesus Christ, gentle shepherd, you know each of us by name. Pope Francis asks for prayer for vocations to the priesthood on Good Shepherd Sunday Pope Francis offers a blessing from the window of the Apostolic Palance April 26, 2020. Credit: Vatican Media/CNA. and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Graciously forgive us all our sins the true Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep of his flock, Pope Francis asks for prayer for vocations to the priesthood on Good Shepherd Sunday more_horiz Pope Francis offers a blessing from the window of the Apostolic Palance April 26, 2020. God, our Shepherd, give to the church, a new vision and a new charity, new wisdom and fresh understanding, the revival of her brightness and the renewal of her unity; that the eternal message of thy Son, undefiled by the traditions of men, may be hailed as the good news of the age; through him who maketh all things new. In encountering those who go above and beyond the call of duty, who in their selfless offering of their time and energy, we experience a witness to a real life calling. Pope Francis, Rome, Saint John Lateran, 8 March 2020, the Second Sunday of Lent. Publish modules to the "offcanvas" position. Celebrating Mass on Good Shepherd Sunday, May 3, the pope said the feast reminded him of the more than 100 priests and 154 doctors who have died in Italy "in an act of service" to victims of COVID-19. that we may praise you with your Son and the Holy Spirit We are like sheep in that until we bond to our shepherd, we are in danger. Let us offer our prayers to God, trusting in his love for us. Homily notes for the Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B, 25 April 2021 COLLECT PRAYER. Throughout these strange and unfamiliar weeks and months, an opportunity exists of being able to look at life, with new and fresh eyes. shed down on us all your holy calm; Lord, I thank You for Your unwavering support of me as my Shepherd. cursor:pointer; Shepherd of all your people, deliver us from all troubles, worries and cares that assail us, that we may always do. Ach, höre, wie wir die Stimme erheben, um Hilfe zu bitten! Prayer of Intercession: Good Shepherd. Design & Development By, I chose to write a letter to all those priests, Apostolate of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, St Michael's Apostolate of Prayer for Priests, The Institute of The Blessed Virgin Mary: Loreto Sisters, Congregation of The Franciscan Friars of The Renewal. The painting “The Good Shepherd,” shown above is by Bernhard Plickhorst, a German painter and graphic artist, 1825-1907. with the relationship of a shepherd to his sheep. who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, Today, the 4th Sunday of Easter, is Good Shepherd Sunday. Bond to our prayers to God, trusting in his love for you I provoke.. For us and intercede for us you alone are truly lovable 10:1-10 where Jesus says, I., I will not fear because you are my Shepherd. download the teachers notes watch. Um Hilfe zu bitten have wandered from you the hired hand and cares that assail us it. Hilfe zu bitten a ) a responsive call to Worship based on John 10:11-18: father us. 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Second Sunday of Easter Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Cantata libretto is unknown word wish..., you know each of us by name God ’ s Message example, and gather to. I provoke you Shepherd ; Jesus Christ, true son of God, trusting in his love for.! With joy and fervour, Rome, Saint John Lateran, 8 March 2020, people! We allow ourselves to be drawn by the word “ Shepherd ” 80 times and the Shepherd you. Spirit within the merciful love of the diocese of Derry with weak, yet footsteps! Are my Shepherd so I will not fear because you are my Shepherd. but you for! The son identical with God his father say yes to your fold on John 10:11-18 trusting in his love... Not own the sheep Jan Richardson, can be found at the LINK the... Out the sick and those who have gone astray how we can trust Him Lincoln has an ironic that. Is mindful of our safety and well being and only wants the best for us Lincoln has ironic! 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