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Lord Carnarvon, who introduced the bill on February 19, 1867, used these words as reported at page 559 of the British Hansard: “The bill opens by reciting the desire of the several provinces to be federally. Our message is straight forward “Become educated to become liberated”. Travelling Truth Tour  – Dallas Hills and many others concerned in the Direction the Country has been going since the 1980 started doing some research for over 30 plus years – Collecting information from many historians have complied a data base of very important information  The Purpose of the Travelling Truth is to   bringing some important information you , your family and friends may be interested in Listening , watching videos and may be interested in having the team visit your local area to educate more people  on a Solution  BC Refedration Party was formed in the 1990’s – Ed Anderson, Dallas Hills, Dennis Shaw, Dallas Hills, in Picture –  Terry Hand, Patrick Kapasky Mel Gartner,- and many others were working on a Solution on a Constitution – and putting the Power back to “We The People ”  Direct Democracy was a Solution to remove corrupt Legislation – Allow the Sovereigns to create Legislation and Finally to create a Constitution  “For the People of The People by the People “- Referendums failed as the Clarity Act – ensure NO Referendums READ the Clarity Act Below. The historically predominant Liberals position themselves at the centre of the political scale, [64] with the Conservatives sitting on the right and the New Democratic Party occupying the left . Sir Frederick Rogers, Under-secretary for the colonies, in Lord Blachford’s Letters, is quoted as saying at page 301: “They held many meetings at which I was always present. Mr. JAENICKE: The Statute of Westminster made the provinces autonomous? But personally I consider that under the constitutional conditions prevailing in this country at the moment such action is premature. Click to open interactive version Looking at a country’s annual emissions is useful, but it can be hard to put these numbers in context of the global total. I do not want to go into that, but it is true neither in history nor in law. The flag question is just one of the many anomalies which exist in Canada’s constitutional position. Each province is in fact it’s own country since 1931 Statue of New West Minister . Since December 11, 1931, the Provinces of Canada have not acted on their newly acquired status in the forming of a Federal Union, nor have the people of Canada ratified a constitution. … The people of Canada have not acted on the altered constitutional status; hence the deplorable constitutional position in which we find ourselves in this country. Countries in the world by population (2021) This list includes both countries and dependent territories.Data based on the latest United Nations Population Division estimates. Canada is the single largest foreign supplier of energy to the United States--providing 17% of U.S. oil imports and 18% of U.S. natural gas demand. It is the tenth largest economy with a GDP of about $1.56 trillion. This preamble reads: “Whereas the provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have, expressed there desire to be federally united into one dominion-“. There are other and more important actions to be taken before we can consider the adoption of a new flag. Store formats include Walmart Supercentres and Walmart discount stores. 9. Mr. JAENICKE: Amending the British North America Act. Geographical and historical treatment of Canada, including maps and statistics as well as a survey of its people, economy, and government. So far as separation. Slightly more than 35 million people live in the country with Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, and Alberta accounting for 90% of the population. The Hon. I am enclosing copies of some of the addresses which I delivered in the House of Commons on the subject, as well as copies of a pamphlet by Mr. Smith, dealing with the same subject. They have not accepted it. Did, the provinces of Canada desire federal union? Smith also argues Canada is not sovereign. Citizenship Act: Definitions, Minister means such member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada as is designated by the Governor in Council as the Minister for the purposes of this Act; ((Begin of language: French) ministre (End of language: French)), What is a Constitution – One of the Most Important Decisions You Will Ever Make, , you decide what happens to your future and your grand-children’s future is now – and nobody else can do it but, “We the People”. Canada is governed by a parliamentary system of governance but the Monarchy of Canada forms the foundation of the executive, judicial, and legislative branches. I believe that the statements, which I have placed upon the record, are historical facts. Basically, it was asking the UK for permission to amend the Constitution (Charter of Rights and Freedoms + the BNA Act) in the future without their permission. Since the Provinces must enjoy the condition of sovereignty and independence, before they can federate, it was necessary that the British government relinquish, its authority over them. What we want is a new constitution. 7. London’s Hyde Park near Buckingham Palace. It's easier to go out to eat in large groups in Canada. “Canada is a massive country so you either need to plan a long visit to explore it all. policies add to its charm. In fact Canada is the second largest country in the world. The people have the power so they came up with a Canadian Citizenship Act run by a Minister, means such member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada as is designated by the Governor in Council as the Minister for the purposes of this Act (British) to diminish your state of sovereignty. What makes a country a nation? The privilege to federate therefore was still a future privilege for the provinces of Canada. Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc. is a Canadian mattress retailer, with over 260 stores operating in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. Since December 11, 1931, as an individual citizen of this country I have had the, right to be consulted on the matter of a constitution. According to Canada FAQ, the country stretches across 3.8 million square miles (9.9 million square kilometres), which means the UK could fit into Canada over 40 times. The Bill drafted by the Canadian delegates at the London Conference in 1866 also provided for a Federal Union. In 2017, The federal Government spent half a billon dollars celebrating Canada’s 150th “birthday”. Jefferson, in the declaration of independence states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men arc created equal; that they, are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights: that among these, are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the. Mr. W. F. KUHL (Jasper-Edson): This resolution urges the expediency of Canada’s possessing a distinctive national flag. Blueberry Soup chronicles the three-year aftermath of the Icelandic financial collapse that resulted in the extraordinary re-writing of the nations constitution. Canada is made up of three territories and ten provinces. Canada has a … Japan and Germany finish Nos. That is number one in answer to my hon. Sleep Country Canada Holdings Inc. ("Sleep Country" or the "Company") (TSX: ZZZ) will hold a conference call on May 11, 2021 to review first quarter results for fiscal 2021. It was read a third time in the House of Lords only on Tuesday night and two days after they were called to give it a second reading in that house (Commons) that was a bad precedent to establish and might produce ill effect at another time. Professor N. McL. Amendments here and there would be mere patchwork, which could not last. I submit it should be evident from these quotations that the preamble, which was discussed, was that to be found in the Quebec resolutions, not the one we find in the printed copies of the British North America Act in Canada. It becomes the only legally recognized document that ensures their future – It’s called a Constitution – and we have this right since 1931 , and it’s time we completed this document to protect our children’s future, Your wishes are carried out the way you planned in a Legal contract of WE THE PEOPLE – OF THE PEOPLE – FOR THE PEOPLE – as many understand the current system has NO ACCOUNTABILITY, NO PROSPERITY and NO FUTURE – Lets change the RULES and Give US THE PEOPLE a Contract that gives us a Future – Accountability – and Prosperity –. Click on the name of the country or dependency for current estimates (live … What are the country’s annual CO2 emissions? The people not the politician – now that the people have ultimate sovereignty, the politicians do not. To show that I am not alone in my proposal I quote Doctor Beauchesne from the evidence of the special committee on the British North America Act in 1935. The Hansards recorded it. Mr. KUHL: I have already answered that. I believe that the conclusions, which I have drawn from these facts are the only ones, which can be drawn from them, and I believe, consequently, that the solution, which I have suggested, is the only one adequate for the circumstances. I shall observe with much interest what will be said in this conference on constitutional relationships in Canada. I and the people who have sent me here have a right to know whether there is, or is not, a basis in fact for my contentions, and if there is, they have the right to know what is going to be done about it. Canada serves as a global model for stability, sustainable prosperity, and economic inclusion, and advances these ideals through its strong and longstanding partnership with the World Bank Group. Canada borders the United States. If the bill had been delayed only for a few weeks, the people of Nova Scotia would have been able to express an opinion upon it. Canada occupies most of the northern part of North America. Walmart Canada was established in 1994 and has headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario. Canada saw 9,255 new coronavirus infections on Friday, marking a new all-time record for daily cases. Canada covers an area of 9.98 million square kilometers. So profound was this letter that Levesque went to Ottawa to meet with Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau to ask Trudeau if the Kuhl Letter was factual. member indicate where he gets these queer ideas? (make you mad yet???) Japan and Germany finish Nos. A majority of the people in the country are Canadian (32.32%), English (18.34%) Scottish (13.93%) French (13.55%) and Irish (13.43%). There are others, such as amendments to the constitution, appeals to the Privy Council, the power of disallowance, the matter of a federal district proper – and doubtless there are others. You’re ready for a move and a new start. Is Germany Socialist? The prospect of calling Germany a socialist country is rather frightening. That is why Kuhl concluded Canada was never lawfully confederated into a sovereign state. Pierre Trudeau repatriates the 1982 Constitution Act from the UK. Canada is home to … Canada: CO2 Country Profile; CO2 emissions; Per capita: how much CO2 does the average person emit? Canada's largest cities are Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, and Calgary. The matters, which I wish to discuss, are those with which every public school child in the seventh and eighth grades, every high school student, and certainly every voter, should be thoroughly familiar. The Video Below  – Dennis Shaw does an amazing explanation in detail how WE THE PEOPLE are Governed under this West Mister System – and some ideas how we may correct this injustice we have been inflicted with since 1931. Canada is made up of three territories and ten provinces. This democratic, method of establishing a new form of government may be contrasted with the, circumstances and conditions under which other federal constitutions became, Now I should like to ask a few questions concerning our position in Canada. 4. I am sure you can appreciate that if this were done, you could solve your economic and other problems in Quebec without resorting to separation. Some of these have’ been referred to this afternoon. Sleep Country Canada Holdings was able to grow EPS by 15% in the last twelve months. people arrived at through the procedure, in its various successive stages, prescribed by the substantially similar enabling acts adopted by the legislatures, of the concurring colonies. They are among the most serious matters upon which a citizen can be called to think; they are the bedrock considerations of human government. Lord Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the colonies was the chairman of the conference. Canadian territory extends from the Pacific in the east to the Atlantic in the west and northwards into the Arctic. On page 126 of the evidence he is credited with saying: “-The Statute of Westminster has altered our status. Provincial conferences, attended by a few ministers meeting behind closed doors, would hardly satisfy public opinion. Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. That means the UK government can rescind their BNA Act at anytime. The Blackberry Smartphone is developed in Waterloo, Ontario. I think it is premature to consider any flag, either the one suggested in the amendment or any other. Our rights indeed may be imperfect upon this part of the subject, and I will not dwell upon it. But that’s only one of the many reasons why Canada is a much better country to live in as compared to The United States of America. When the resolution, which alone engages the Nova Scotian Parliament, was in debate, its whole tenor, as our papers show, were against that project. If hon. Canada can do this, and they have not yet done so. But the 1867 BNA Act is a British law. Canada is the largest U.S. agricultural market, primarily importing fresh fruits and vegetables and livestock products. So far as I know, the petition does not protest absolutely against union but against the manner in which it is being carried out by this scheme and bill, and by the hasty measures of the colonial office. nature of the political reality we are currently dealing with in "CANADA", WebPage Built With Divi by Webmaster@UnifyThePeople.ca, The Walter Kuhl letter is one that every Canadian should read – if for one reason only, to “jolt” the reader. I have indicated the position of the British North America Act, and have pointed out that the people of Canada have not accepted it as a constitution. I assert therefore that until I, along with a, majority of Canadians, ratify a constitution in Canada, there can be no. I have had the right along, with my fellow citizens to ratify or to refuse to ratify a constitution, but I have not, been consulted in any way whatsoever. Canada’s Criminal Code uses the de facto doctrine. This was done through the enactment of the Statute of. friend. I contend, Mr. Speaker, that such are the actions, which should be taken before it is appropriate to adopt a distinctive national flag. We exercised our right to seat a legal and lawful government for the people here in Alberta. The first, that there exists no confederation document approved democratically. But it seems they never formed Canada properly in law. L'acheteur n'a pas encore ouvert une session. Canadian territory extends from the Pacific in the east to the Atlantic in the west and northwards into the Arctic. I submit that the adoption of a new flag of our own designing should be the crowning act to putting our constitutional house in order. They have been free to do so since December 11, 1931, but they have not done so. Sovereignty – Definition  The U.S. Supreme Court defined what sovereignty means in their 1793 landmark case, Chisolm v. Georgia. Only the people of. The evidence which I have submitted establishes to my satisfaction that there has been at no time in Canada any agreement, pact or treaty between the provinces creating a federal union and a federal government. Background Canadians are told the British North American Act (“BNA Act”) in 1867 united the four provinces (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia) into a political entity called Canada. 1 overall country, falls to No. Since December 11, 1931, the Parliament of Canada has governed Canada on assumed power only. Canada is a truly multicultural country with a rich ethnic diversity… and we’re proud of it! As it has been incorporated into the statutes of Canada, it is an instrument intended by those who sponsored it to keep Canada and its citizens in thraldom, and it is diametrically opposed to the raison d’être of the Statute of Westminster. The US-Canada southern border is the longest bi-national land border. Sunset Country is Canada's premier fishing destination. [62] In the early 17th century Samuel de Champlain established the first European permanent settlement. If hon. The quality of life and high per capita income makes it a great place for immigrants. A shopper has not logged on at this time. The following is a summary of the reasons for the things I have just stated: 1. Being sovereign means not being subservient to another country’s laws. Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world’s lakes combined. [Member of Parliament for Jasper-Edson, 1935-1949]. 4. proposed to attempt to remove these anomalies is improper and undemocratic. The Walter Kuhl letter is one that every Canadian should read – if for one reason only, to “jolt” the reader. The largest by population are Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. The Southern boundary with the United States was demarcated after the American War of Independence that also led to a major migration of British loyalist to the Canadian side of the border. Why are these conditions peculiar to the people of Canada In  endeavouring to answer these questions, and in suggesting what I consider to be the proper remedy for them, I am not posing as a constitutional expert, although I may say it is now ten years since I began my studies on this subject, and I trust, I shall not be considered presumptuous in claiming to have added a little to my knowledge in that time. my statement. Then I would quote Doctor Beauchesne, Clerk of the House of Commons, who at page 125 states. Walter Kuhl was a teacher and elected politician to the Canadian House of Commons from 1935 to 1949. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2021 worldatlas.com. The preamble lays down the expediency of confederating. No other part of the British Empire finds itself in the same circumstances. The privilege of federating became realizable for the provinces of Canada, only through the enactment of the Statute of Westminster on December 11, 1931. I. consider that the situation which I shall discuss is of such importance that a reply or a comment should certainly be forthcoming from the Acting Prime Minister (Mr. Ilsley) the Minister of Justice (Mr. St. Lauremt), and for that matter, from all hon. If you’re the parent or grandparent of a Canadian permanent resident or citizen, you may be eligible for a super visa. The reasons are many: Canada’s banking system is sound. The dominion-provincial conference is to reconvene in the near future. The withholding of assent to some Alberta legislation in those years by the Lieutenant-Governor and the disallowance of other Alberta legislation by the people at Ottawa, set me to investigating how these things could be. I submit that the subject matter and the arguments which I presented on that occasion were worthy of more intelligent criticism than was exhibited by that hon. We educate the population to aid them in comprehending the true A country is formed by the merger of several states, separation from another country, or the ownership of unclaimed land. Through those acts the people agreed, first to send, representatives to a federal convention charged with duty of framing for Australia, a federal constitution under the Crown in the form of a bill for enactment by the, Imperial Parliament, and, secondly, they agreed to pronounce their judgment, upon the constitution at a referendum, which in each colony was arranged to, follow the convention. At page 1090 of British Hansard for, Mr. Hatfield said he rose to ask the government why it was the second reading of this bill had been fixed for to-morrow. The U.S. Supreme Court defined sovereignty in the famous 1793 Chisolm v. Georgia case:  “The supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power by which any independent state is governed; the self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived; the international dependence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign dictation…”  Canada is Not Sovereign. Plenty of opportunities to go for a swim! How did they come about? Delivered in the House of Commons on Thursday, November 8, 1945, A Distinctive National Flag and Constitutional Problems in Canada, ***********************************************. Last update: April 2021 Our data for each country are based on all entries from all cities in that country. What is a nation? Mr. Kuhl: I placed on Hansard on February 10 a clear outline of the reasons for. Nobody pretends that the people of Canada prefer a nominated council to an elective council. 1 overall country, falls to No. 4. Canada's 3.85 million square miles makes it the second largest country after Russia. The time has come, in my humble opinion, when the British North America Act, except as to minority rights, should be transformed and a new constitution more in conformity with present conditions should be adopted. As a country that comprises over six million square miles within its borders, Canada is 91% land and 9% water. Kuhl discussed this in Parliament. I therefore pose this question: Whence does the Dominion Parliament derive its, authority to govern this country? During  this video it clearly explains Canada has NO Constitution – NO Federation Papers –  it also educates into Direct Democracy (RIC) which failed to control the Dictatorship and much more (because it is NOT BINDING) –  This video is powerful educational video  – Please forward to educate more so we may all get on the SOLUTION to end the fraud and corruption – UN Agenda 21/30 -Banking fraud – and all the unlawful ACT’s they have created to harm us “We THE People “, We also offered a #1000.00 dollar reward  in the early 2000’s for any one to produce the so-called federation papers- There has been another reward for $25 000 dollars in 2019 to produce these documents- good luck  – on finding them –  many have tried, The Three Steps that Dennis Shaw, Terry Hand , Dallas Hills , Mel Gardner , and many more worked on in the late 1990, # 1 Implement DD to remove corrupt legislation and allowing the Sovereigns to create Legislation to protect the people, # 2 Allow the People of British Columbia to create a Constitution how they want to be governed , rather than be Dictated too – In the Constitution there was Accountability, #3 Was we were going to re-negotiate with Ottawa on there unlawful activities on a the Sovereign Country of British Columbia – and doing so other Countries would demand the same thing, Canada a Country without a Constitutions https://www.brighteon.com/04849627-021a-43a5-a4fb-081306111fa3, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcpeZYaIirc&feature=youtu.be, Dallas in  Victoria  – Bank of Canada  Scam -October 15th  This was educating more people but it was hijacked by George Soros and the real message was never to get on Main stream media – But it has always been controlled  – But now its 2019 and more are awake the Facts – the entire system is a LIE and must be removed Video Are on Brighteon “Our Free Speech Site” Please support free Speech  https://www.brighteon.com/0fc2c0c9-7a91-4d20-af9e-54d70723117b, Dallas Hills speech at the Capital BC Legislature BC Canada Video Are on Brighteon “Our Free Speech Site” Please support free Speech  https://www.brighteon.com/119617ce-a765-4247-aa65-6a4763fdb846 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWuzirLAH50 Attached in the comments are some information you may very informative  Our solution is  are educating and uniting on a solution to end the Lies and corruption – Thank you all for being part of the Creation of our FIRST Constitution – removing the shackles of the BNA ACT and the Indian ACT Travelling And Educating has been the foundation to inform More People  We also ask for our important research and to Please Support the Travelling Truth Tour – So they may continue their work, research, Thank You – donations may be e-transferred to travelingtruthtour@outlook.com – our direct line is 403 -437 -1718  Also we are please to visit your locations to put on a presentation. By section 7, paragraph 2, of this statute, the Provinces of Canada were made sovereign, free and independent in order, that they might consummate the federal union which they wished to create in, Since December 11, 1931, the Provinces of Canada have not acted on their newly acquired status; they have not signed any agreement, they have not adopted a constitution, and the people of Canada have not ratified a constitution. English and French are the official languages of Canada. Canada is the second largest country in the world in area and occupies roughly the northern two-fifths of the continent of North America. – Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition. That is why Kuhl concluded Canada was never lawfully confederated into a sovereign state. Hmm. We earlier introduced Canadian judge Albert Constantineau and his 1910 law book, doctrine is necessary to maintain the supremacy of the law and to preserve peace and order in the community at large, since any other rule would lead to such uncertainty and confusion, as to break up the order and quiet of all civil administration. Another significant statement is that by John Bright, which we find at page 1181 of British Hansard for February 28, 1867, as follows: “I have heard there is, at present in London, a petition complaining of the hasty proceedings of Parliament and asking for delay signed by 31,000 adult male, of the province of Nova Scotia; and, that petition is, in reality, signed by at least half of all the male inhabitants of that province. After Russia, Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of land mass. I would suggest that the country should be, I should also like to quote in this connection a resolution, which was adopted at a, convention of Social Credit supporters and monetary-reform-minded people held, in the city of Edmonton in 1942. HOW CAN YOU BE DIVORCED IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN MARRIED? It is my desire to see the people of Canada consulted where their fundamental rights are concerned. The law officers of the Crown attached to the colonial office drafted the act. Walter Kuhl. Canada did not become a Federal Union or a Confederation under the British North America Act, but rather a United Colony. Get in touch via the Contact Us below if you're interested in these apps. Looking for a Real Solution – Well here it is – We the People of Alberta had the right since 1931, isn’t it time. The matters on which I am to speak are of fundamental concern to every citizen of Canada regardless of his or her political persuasion. But one thing is clear the preamble of the resolution comes before us in full and perfect authenticity. 1931: Statute of Westminster, ending the letters patent/BNA act, allowing Canada to Confederate. A country is a geographic region with a distinct national entity, political characteristics, legal jurisdiction, and defined boundaries. Please contact us to setup a community event to have a live presentation – on constitutional committees – constitutional convention – and a Constitution – We look forward to meeting many more Native Brothers and Sister  We have moved to Brighteon  As this Site offers Free Speech – Please Join and share this out  – Why we are Creating a True Constitution – Learn more about this amazing Document – here  https://www.brighteon.com/3e5695d9-ae65-4873-9732-42441bcf65d8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9nY59HTZ_A, PREAMBLE Constitution – has started – Please get involved, HO CANADA – Russel Rogers Smith http://historylessonsdeleted.logspot.com/2019/08/never-have-so-many-known-so-little_29.html Travelling Truth Tour – “WE THE PEOPLE” – Native Sons and Daughter Unite to save their Countries The Amazing Truck here belongs to Don Morrison – He has been using amazingly decorated truck to educate many of the issues WE THE PEOPLE must correct! 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