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why is the national endowment for the arts important

They comfort us in grief and energize us in celebration. A panel of speakers will highlight best practices of reengagement and also consider the outlook for arts organizations who seek to re-engage with live audiences and visitors in 2021. All art, good and bad, made by an individual or a team, brings the perspective of an artist to others. “The arts matter because they are the record of our civilization and the arrow pointing forward to our future.” – Greg Reiner Indeed, the … The arts are transformative.” – Beth Bienvenu Established by Congress in 1965, the National Endowment for the Arts is the independent federal agency whose funding and support gives Americans the opportunity to participate in the arts, exercise their imaginations, and develop their creative capacities. “The arts matter because art is meant to move people either on an intellectual or emotional level. What are a few recent books that have been part of the program? The art we express is timeless.” –Mohammed Sheriff She Had Some Books: An Interview with Poet and NEA Literary Arts Specialist Katy Day, Crossing Borders with Poet and NEA Creative Writing Fellow Javier Zamora. WHY SHAKESPEARE? In the interest of maintaining a civil forum, The Forward requires that all commenters be appropriately respectful toward our writers, other commenters and the subjects of the articles. It was created by an act of the U.S. Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government. Sometimes, parts of me are displaced and replaced by wiser stuff.   Through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector, the Arts Endowment supports arts … It is so important to have art, to teach art, and to allow ourselves and our children to live with a national tradition of art, because the arts give us the tools and means for communicating about the way we see the world. Often with art I feel I’m talking with someone who knows something I don’t, something I’d like to know. The arts thus elongate human experience. It was the one way that the government started funding the arts even though there is still controversy on whether this is important enough to receive funding. They have the power to heal our minds and our bodies through arts-in-healthcare programs, creative aging programs, and the creative arts therapies. Egregious commenters or repeat offenders will be banned from commenting. My late friend Wendy Wasserstein, the wonderful Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, created a program called Open Doors, run by Theatre Development Fund, that brings young people to the theater. The direct grants described above comprise $40 million of the $75 million appropriated to the National Endowment for the Arts through the CARES Act. Vigorous debate and reasoned critique are welcome; name-calling and personal invective are not and will be deleted. “The arts matter because creativity is an infinite and enduring resource, one to draw upon in both the most joyous and the most challenging of moments. In addition to their ... than 2,400 grants benefiting more than 16,000 communities in 2016—the National Endowment for the Arts, by law, dedicates 40% of its grant-making funds ($47 million in 2017) to state and regional arts “The arts matter because they are the one thing on this planet with the power to change a person's perspective, mood, assumptions, beliefs, and ideas; they can transform a place, represent a community, take you back in time, or move your forward into the future; help a person understand from where they came and where they are headed and grapple with the beauty and uncertainty of all that occurs in between–nothing else in the world has that kind of power and responsibility.” – Meg Brennan Since 1981, the NEA has awarded 410 fellowships to 363 translators, with translations representing 66 languages and 77 countries. “There is a quote by Vladimir Nabokov that reads, ‘There is, it would seem, in the dimensional scale of the world a kind of delicate meeting place between imagination and knowledge, a point, arrived at by diminishing large things and enlarging small ones that is intrinsically artistic.’ I’ve kept this quotation on my desk for days now after seeing it used as an epigram to a James Lasdun poem and I have to confess, I can’t paraphrase what it means (which I would say is a sign of great art). Why Donald Trump Makes Life So Difficult For His Translators, Aviya Kushner is The Forward’s language columnist and the author of The Grammar of God (Spiegel & Grau). We would not be connected so deeply without the existence of art.” – Kathleen Dinsmore The National Endowment for the Arts is a part of four independent cultural agencies within the United States. As the National Endowment for the Arts celebrates its 55th anniversary, its chairman extols the virtue of arts programs across the country -- including Florida, where … Prior to funding the new agency, … Alice Walker: One of countless artists who has benefited from NEA programs. Since 1990, a staggering 96 of the 166 American recipients of the National Book Award, National Book Critics Circle Award, and Pulitzer Prize in poetry and fiction received NEA Fellowships earlier in their careers. The National Endowment for the Arts is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and fostering mutual respect for the diverse beliefs and values of all individuals and groups. The NEA is also a major supporter of literature in translation. Amy Stolls: The NEA’s Creative Writing Fellowships enable recipients to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and career advancement. "The arts matter because they offer a unique space for self affirmation and reflection.” – Carlos Arrien  Yet, we now have the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) which does just that.-The most important point is that the NEA is unconstitutional. The act called for the creation of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) as separate, independent agencies. More than 4.8 million Americans have attended an NEA Big Read event, roughly 79,000 volunteers have participated at the local level, and over 37,000 community organizations have partnered to make Big Read activities possible. is a short documentary presented by the National Endowment for the Arts. And akin but different to Nabokov’s thought, things become right sized with great art. The National Endowment for the Arts ( NEA) is an independent agency of the United States federal government that offers support and funding for projects exhibiting artistic excellence. I would have to ask why you say that is a big what if. The Arts Put America to Work. I'm not talking about years added–though certain artists, through their creations, can claim a type of immortality. (Hint: It’s not about the money) Art is inherently dangerous to the status quo, and so are agencies that support it. Aviya Kushner: The NEA’s support of individual writers has shaped American literature. The NEA played a vital role in how I was raised and who I am today. The NEA and NEH are crucial to our nation’s artistic culture. President Donald Trump’s administration is considering eliminating The National Endowment for the Arts, according to a widely cited but unconfirmed report on plans for sweeping Federal budget cuts that was published in The Hill. Notes, chords, images, and words float within you and have the power of surfacing at any moment, to soothe, distract, entertain, or give comic relief. Living in London in my middle 20s, I spent a huge amount of time in Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. Translators cheered when the NEA published “The Art of Empathy: Celebrating Literature in Translation.” In your introduction, you wrote: “Our goal for this book was simple: to illuminate for the general reader the art and importance of translation through a variety of points of view.” What inspired the Art of Empathy project? The arts matter because with them, we matter.” – Amy Stolls What steps does the NEA take to make sure the application process is fair and open to all? “The arts matter because I learn something about people and places I would have never known otherwise. Examples of this abound. How does the NEA choose the Big Read titles? “The arts matter because they allow an individual a platform to express their unique creativity to/with the world.” – Monica Waters Founded in 1965 and based in Washington, D.C., the National Endowment for the Arts, or NEA, is an independent agency of the federal government that “funds, promotes, and strengthens” the arts in the United States of America (including U.S. territories). The arts and cultural sector contributes more to the national economy than the construction, agriculture, mining, utilities, and travel and tourism industries. Ever wonder what National Endowment for the Arts staff actually think about the arts? At 17, and still in high school, I was one of the youngest reporters at BILD newspaper. The Forward welcomes reader comments in order to promote thoughtful discussion on issues of importance to the Jewish community. The NEA narrows the list of suggestions based on criteria that includes the capacity to incite lively and deep discussion; the capacity to expand the range of voices, stories, and genres currently represented in our Big Read library; the capacity to interest lapsed and reluctant readers and/or to challenge avid readers and introduce them to new voices; and the capacity to inspire innovative programming for communities. Sign up to participate here. That’s a lovely thing and yes, it matters.” – Wendy Clark Why The National Endowment for the Arts Is So Vital To America. I had no encouragement from my mother but she did buy me a mechanical typewriter. They allow a person with a developmental disability to say, 'I’m an artist,' a prison inmate to say, 'I’m a writer,' and a person in a long-term care facility to say, 'I’m a poet.' “The arts matter because it is our most expressive form of sharing.” – vEnessa Y Acham The NEA has a long history of supporting translation and this publication was an opportunity to both educate people about the skill and creativity it takes to do literary translation well, while also celebrating the individuals who have dedicated their lives to this work The NEA’s publications are quite varied: they range from research reports, such as the “Survey of Public Participation in the Arts,” to publications, such as “The Art of Empathy,” that delve deeply into a subject, but all share the common goal of informing and educating the public about the role of the arts. And I think that’s one of the most important reasons why we need to foster the arts. “The arts matter because they help us see the world from different perspectives. Follow her on Twitter at @AviyaKushner. Whether we sing or they pick up an instrument and play, all is well again.” – Allison Hill Egregious commenters or repeat offenders will be banned from commenting. How many languages and countries have been represented in the NEA’s translation fellowships? I’m encouraged to see the anthology being used in classrooms across the country. This kind of public funding cultivates a future audience for arts, proves the social benefit of the arts, and, of course, provides jobs for artists that employ their talents. … Currently, only three percent of books published in the U.S. each year are translations — meaning 97% of available books come from the English-speaking world. Founded in 1965 and based in Washington, D.C., the National Endowment for the Arts, or NEA, is an independent agency of the federal government that “funds, promotes, and strengthens” the arts in the United States of America … Join the National Endowment for the Arts for a free webinar, The Art of Reopening: A Virtual Conversation on Reengaging Arts Audiences in Physical Spaces. Whether this is a book that stays with you days later, or a performance that moves you spiritually or a song that makes you look at the world around you in a different way. Here's more... Toro Castano has provided a crisp description of the reason why the NEA was established, in his answer to this same question. “The arts matter because we matter, and our stories matter. ), one thing's for sure--we all share a deep and abiding appreciation and understanding of how vitally important the arts are to the diverse people and communities that call the U.S. home. They have the power to help incarcerated individuals grapple with complex emotions and lead more productive lives upon release. This allowed for the continual growth and support for theatres. “To me, the arts matter because they illuminate signals in the noise to help us navigate through life conscientiously, with a deeper understanding of ourselves in broader contexts. They are important because they can act as a catalyst for change…they can start a revolution! In turn, grantees have leveraged nearly $42 million in local funding to support their Big Read programs. “The arts matter because they allow us to express ourselves and illustrate the world around us in a different light, helping us to gain understanding, build communities, and give hope.” – Kelli Rogowski The Forward’s Aviya Kushner asked NEA Literature Director Amy Stolls, who has also worked as a novelist and an environmental journalist covering the Exxon Valdez spill, to explain what the NEA does for literature and why it matters so much to America. We collect suggestions for new titles from a variety of sources, including the public, grantees, participants, and panelists. The combination of open space and room to breathe, the flowers and green lawns and old, old trees, the choice of paths from Point A to Point B–experiencing these things together allowed people to let down their guard just a little bit, and occasionally nod and smile. Here’s why the National Endowment for the Arts is under fire again. Please help us celebrate our 50th anniversary by joining our virtual social media flash mob on Tuesday, September 29 at 1:00 pm ET. All readers can browse the comments, and all Forward subscribers can add to the conversation. The package marks $75 million each for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, $7.5 million for … We are moving miracles, walking creators engaging in a cosmic dance. “The arts matter because life is dull without perspective. “The arts matter to me because they allowed me to elevate myself out of the sad place I was in during my childhood. The National Endowment of the Arts purpose was to encourage the growing development of the arts throughout the entire country. 03/28/2017 05:12 pm ET Updated Mar 29, 2017 Observations by a Global Nomad. “When my children are feeling sad or mad or confused, a song will lift their spirits. These include the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Seeing my name in print was all it took to get me onto the path of becoming a journalist. The have the power to shape identity beyond the labels people are given. Because the NEA's mission is to assist those who display "exceptional talent" in the arts, rather than to run an artistic lottery, the NEA must evaluate artists' work and make qualitative decisions to separate the exceptional grant-seekers from the unexceptional. It is so important to have art, to teach art, and to allow ourselves and our children to live with a national tradition of art, because the arts give us the tools and means for communicating about the way we see the world. Why We Need The National Endowment For The Arts. A committee of outside readers representing a range of voices (including librarians, booksellers, general readers, and event planners) review the books and make the final recommendations. Although drastic, cutting funding affects much more than popular media. The purpose of art is to cause a reaction and with this purpose it can create a synergy of change; change in attitudes, perceptions, and thoughts.” – Catherine Brookes Why is early-career support so important? Art matters because it teaches us why we matter.” – Bill O’Brien And that’s a fine thing.” – Victoria Hutter The National Endowment for the Arts is an independent federal agency that funds, promotes, and strengthens the creative capacity of our communities by providing all Americans with diverse opportunities for arts participation. How are judges selected, and how do they reflect America? More recent fellows include Celeste Ng, Major Jackson, Sandra Beasley, Teá Obreht, and Justin Torres. I was able to read fluently at four and had my first letter-to-the-editor published at age eight. The National Endowment for the Arts was established in 1965 as a federal agency designed to serve the public good by nurturing artistic expression and creativity, fostering appreciation for artistic achievements, and recognizing the importance of art in developing … It can turn strangers into old friends with lots in common.” – Maryrose Flanigan Arts Endowment Acting Chairman Ann Eilers said, “The Arts Endowment is proud to have been a catalyst of this report. The NEA’s translation fellowships program is one of the oldest, largest, and most consistent funding opportunities for literary translators in the U.S. and has had a significant impact on the quality and quantity of international literature available in the U.S. While we generally do not seek to edit or actively moderate comments, our spam filter prevents most links and certain key words from being posted and the Forward reserves the right to remove comments for any reason. The purpose of the DVD is to illustrate the importance of reading, studying, and performing Shakespeare's works. Our list of books now includes 28 titles, 13 of which are new to the program, like Emily St. John Mandel’s apocalyptic novel “Station Eleven,” Claudia Rankine’s cross-genre book on racism “Citizen: An American Lyric,” and the bestselling Chinese novel “To Live” by Yu Hua (translated by Michael Berry). The arts make my brain and my heart stretch to make room for newness. Many Americans may not know exactly how the National Endowment for the Arts supports readers and writers. “The arts matter because they give us a mutual space where we can talk to one another about the most important things to us. The NEA Big Read is an initiative aimed at broadening our understanding of our world, our communities, and ourselves through the joy of sharing a good book. (Source: National Endowment for the Arts, U.S. Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account Issue Brief #1: Overview of Arts and Cultural Production, 2016.) The authors hail from across the country and represent a range of ages and ethnicities, with more than half of the books by female authors. “Art matters because it illustrates the human experience—the wonder of it, the bewilderment of it, the whimsy of it, and so much more. Art gives us a reality check as to what’s really going on and what could go on if we cooperated. In that crowded city, where people studiously avoid making eye contact on the streets, there was a notably more relaxed and friendly spirit in the park. “The arts matter because they have the power to change lives. Money, power, status are so easily and quickly overvalued  and things like relationships, beliefs, or even happiness, the stuff of art that makes life worth living is devalued in our world that is constantly pushing us apart toward isolation. Yes, apart from our grants to support publishing, which encompasses projects from small and independent presses, as well as print and online journals, we also provide grants to support audience and professional development, which includes projects from literary centers, libraries, book festivals, service organizations, and other entities that feature readings, craft workshops, retreats, podcasts, book discussions, conferences, community outreach and other activities. All readers can browse the comments, and all Forward subscribers can add to the conversation. “Art is, the works of our hands and feet, the thoughts and innovations coming from our mind, and the inspiration coming from our spirit and our soul. Aerial dancers rehearse while suspended on ropes on the wall of the Old Post Office Pavilion, home to the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington, on Wednesday, May 9, 2012. AEP disseminates high-quality, unbiased information to arts and education leaders, and leaders share their expertise in arts education with AEP. Reason #1: The Arts Will Have More Than Enough Support without the NEA The arts were flowering before the NEA came into being in 1965. Without the arts, we are confined to one world and one worldview; with the arts, we have the treasure of a million worlds and a million ways to see them.” – Daniel Fishman The NEA also gives grants to non-profit literary magazines and publishers. The Big Read is one of the NEA’s largest and most visible programs. Tagged: Donald Trump, National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington DC, White House Hakim Bishara Hakim Bishara is a staff writer for Hyperallergic. Many Americans may not know exactly how the National Endowment for the Arts supports readers and writers. While we generally do not seek to edit or actively moderate comments, our spam filter prevents most links and certain key words from being posted and the Forward reserves the right to remove comments for any reason. To celebrate the initiative’s 10th anniversary, we announced last July a new focus for the Big Read library on contemporary authors and books written since the founding of the NEA 50 years ago. Yes, art can nourish our souls, but it can nourish our families as well. Vigorous debate and reasoned critique are welcome; name-calling and personal invective are not and will be deleted. The arts strengthen community bonds, create new means of connection and understanding, and offer a continuous, powerful, and resilient source of individual and collective identity.” – Sarah Burford Contact us to learn more. While this support – both financial and non-financial — can be important at any stage of a writer’s journey, it can be particularly encouraging to someone just starting out, trying to gain recognition and get a foothold on what a writer’s life can be. They give us empathy and help us understand people, places, periods of history, and issues with which we may otherwise be unfamiliar. It was the money I made with that side gig that got me out of the public housing complex we lived in shortly after my 18th birthday and into my first own apartment.” -Katja von Schuttenbach Many people might not know that the NEA awards 40% of its grantmaking budget directly to the states through their state and regional arts agencies. The idea of removing the NEA has been sparking outrage in America’s artistic and literary community. Rather, the arts allow us fully to inhabit other personalities, perspectives, and states of perception. Each program that receives an NEA Big Read grant — which ranges between $5,000 and $20,000 — lasts about a month and includes a kick-off event, often attended by the mayor and other local luminaries; major events devoted specifically to the book (like panel discussions and author readings); events using the book as a point of departure (like film screenings and theatrical readings); and book discussions in diverse locations involving a wide range of audiences. The NEA creative writing fellowships program is arguably the most egalitarian grant program in its field: applications are free and open to the public; fellows are selected through an anonymous review process in which the sole criterion is artistic excellence; and the judging panel varies year to year and is always diverse with regard to geography, ethnicity, gender, age, life experience and aesthetic taste. Copyright ©2021The Forward Association, Inc.All rights reserved. “The arts matter because they extend our lives. Art is the place where huge concepts like love and war are distilled for us to reckon or small things like a flower is held up to all. in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development.6 The Arts Education Partnership (AEP), with financial support from the U.S. Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Arts, commissioned and published Critical Linksin 2002 to capture the best work being done Art stretches me, challenges me, makes me think and feel. Its Founders Were the Greatest Creative Minds of the 20th Century. We’ll email you whenever we publish another article by J.J Goldberg. If someone wants to produce a work of art, then that person can either fund it or find private investors. … The Arts Endowment encourages projects that use the arts to unite and heal in response to current events, as … We're excited to welcome violinist, social entrepreneur, Sphinx founder, and National Council on the Arts member Aaron Dworkin to the National Endowment for the Arts podcast to talk about why it's vitally important to champion diversity and inclusion both onstage and behind the scenes in the world of classical music. As outraged as some Americans are, cutting national funding to the NEA affects tv broadcasting networks like PBS and online news forums such as NPR. The Big Read is one of the NEA’s largest and most visible programs. For more information, please see the Arts Endowment’s website for program description, eligibility requirements, application review, and FAQs. I’m a curious person and want to know. “The arts matter because they encourage civility in the world. What is it, and how many Americans have participated in it so far? How does funding the translation of international literature help Americans understand the world? “The arts matter because without them our strong emotions, our vital voices, our move-to-the-groove energy and necessary empathy and life-affirming connectedness and tendency toward complexity might all wither from disuse, maybe even destroy us through misuse. President Donald Trump has recently decided to cut funding to the NEA, the National Endowment for the Arts. As NEA Chairman Jane Chu said in her preface to our free anthology “The Art of Empathy,” “Bringing other voices to the American public, voices that we might not hear otherwise, makes the country as a whole a better place.” Translation gives us insight into other countries and other points of view, as well as access to talented international writers. In the interest of maintaining a civil forum, The Forward requires that all commenters be appropriately respectful toward our writers, other commenters and the subjects of the articles. Landscape design made that subtle shift in civility possible, and I will always remember it.” – Courtney Spearman Over the last decade, the NEA has provided more than $18 million in grants to more than 1,300 Big Read programs. AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S. Department of Education since 1995 and is administered by Education Commission of the States. “The estimated security cost for Melania living 200 miles away from Trump is double the annual budget for the National Endowment for the Arts,” wrote Ryan Chapman, managing director of marketing and digital projects at BOMB magazine on Twitter. They might not know that NEA awards grants to organizations directly that reach every district in the country every year, and that these grants provide a significant return on investment of federal dollars with $1 of NEA direct funding leveraging up to $9 in private and other public funds, resulting in $500 million in matching support in 2016. “The arts matter because they help you see what’s in between – they help you think twice. Take Alice Walker: she received her NEA fellowship in 1970; in 1983, she became the first African-American woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in fiction for “The Color Purple.” There’s also Louise Erdrich, Michael Cunningham, Maxine Hong Kingston and current Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Hererra. The arts are an important community builder and prosperity generator for states. And while it can't be displayed on a standard chronology, who's to say this qualitative increase in life doesn't translate to a quantitative one?” – Sunil Iyengar “The arts matter because they allow you to experience different ways of seeing and thinking about life.” – Don Ball The arts ignite something in our brains that I can’t explain, but I know it’s essential for life.” – Jennie Terman But the sentence is beautiful and the cloud of unknowing it puts me in reminds me of why I do love art. It encourages arts organizations, community developers, and public health officials to work from the same page so they can leverage the arts … While not everyone at the agency is an artist (though we do boast quite a few! “Art matters because people matter, and arts events are one of the best ways to gather individuals and build communities around a shared experience.” – Eleanor Billington And countries have been part of the DVD is to illustrate the of. 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